Apr 25 - Case Study 1: Postural Assessment & Goniometric Measurements - 9:00am-10:30am Pacific

Brenda's Case Study Information:

Brenda 47 y.o

Double mastectomy 3/22 w/sentinel node biopsy on right

implants 7/22

implant revision 3/24

currently on tamoxifen

Postural assessment:

Head slightly rotated toward the right

Slight forward head

Right shoulder slightly elevated

Moderate protracted shoulders

L arm further away from torso

Hips level

Moderate anterior pelvic tilt

Left hip slightly rotated medially

Slight pronation on both feet

Squat test:

Slight medial rotation of both knees

Slight bend at the waist

Body rotates/leans toward the right

L arm bows out slightly


Flexion     L140 R 130

Extension   L50  R 52

Abduction    L120 R130

IR         L42   R50

ER         L52    R64

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