Nov 21 Recording - Conducting a Virtual Postural Assessment - 1 hour - 4:00pm-5:00pm Pacific Time
Sophie History:
Multiple Myeloma (pg. 111/112 Module one) - 2023 now MRD
Discontinued: Revlimid, dexamethasone, Daratumumab and Velcade (look for chronic side-effects/exercise programming)
Ruptured disc and missing disc L5/S1
TIA stroke 12/2022
Neuropathy on L foot usually after 10k steps
Breast reduction 2018
Does Eccentrics 6x week (lots of cardio) no strength training
Wants to lose weight and has not been able to do so. Explore exercise, diet, previous meds.
forward head
rounded shoulders
elevate L shoulder
elevated right hip
anterior tilt
Knees laterally rotated (R more than L)
Refer to page 16/17 module two and suggested exercises pages 31-41
Squat test - due to back issues our group felt that Sophie was "guarding" and the test was not as accurate as we would have liked.
We did see her arms bow to side and fall forward, and a strong lean of her entire body to the right.
Refer to chart on pg. 25 module two
over the next week, start to formulate a workout for Sophie based on her weight loss goal, chronic side-effects of treatments, balance work (neuropathy/risk of falling), and correcting muscle imbalances. Remember SAFETY first!
We will discuss this on the 28th if we have time, or I will schedule another session for us.