Elayna Nunley -Nutrition - Eating For Life

Elayna Nunley - CES Taking Control Presenter

Elayna is a Registered Dietician providing nutrition coaching with a focus on prevention and survivorship, as well as CETI Cancer Exercise Specialist.

Food is my Love Language! My phone is full of food pictures & saved links with recipe ideas. I am concerned about ingredients listed on labels & keeping up with standards in food production. Leading by example all while connecting the practical aspects of a busy lifestyle.

Why you ask? I am a mom to 3 amazing young men, and it was important to me to provide them with a nourishing and nutritional foundation for healthy living. Cooking, Exercise, and Nutrition must be a focus to support a healthy family. Cancer shows up on its own time, not when we are prepared.

Using my skills & knowledge obtained by earning my graduate degree, working in cancer centers, & supporting programs for surgery patients, I am here to help you have Faith to Take the First Step & seek out a healthy lifestyle.

My coaching is to help you align the 5 Anchors of Healthy Living: Nutrition, Fitness, Hydration, Sleep, & Stress. Finding discipline and consistency for good health takes dedication and willpower.

Taking steps to move toward better health must come with the understanding that food carries instructions that program your biology and impact all core systems. Real, whole food can reduce inflammation, increase antioxidant systems, balance hormones, improve brain chemistry, boost detoxification, optimize gut health, and increase your energy levels. ~~~~ Hence Food is Medicine.

Your body was gifted in a magnificent way, and finding a practical way of eating for life will bring the best years to come, during and after a diagnosis.

Personal Training Virtual (Zoom or other video service) and nutrition coaching.

FREE Initial Onboarding and Initial Intake

Nedeerland, TX


[email protected]

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